First of all, I’ll just get this right out in the open…I’m extremely envious of this lady’s confidence level throughout the shoot she just opened up and became a fierce animal and she overcame all of her past problems in life and let the power of her body take over and boy did she!!
How stunning is this woman?!!
Q: What motivates you to pursue a boudoir shoot right now?
A: My first shoot made me feel so amazing about myself and gorgeous; I want to keep feeling that way.
Q: On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most confident) how would you rate how you feel about your body? Elaborate.
A: I used to be at a 5, but after my shoot, I’m closer to a 9.When I went for my shoot, I had recently been broken up with by a man I had planned a life with, so I felt completely worthless and ugly. After the shoot, I was reminded of how truly beautiful, sexy, and worthy of love and worthy to feel like a goddess.
Q: What three words would you select to describe the look/ feel of the images you hope to create?
A: Gorgeous, sexy, classy
Check out Ms. Youroukos Beautiful Gallery Here.