Do all of my clients get naked? Simple answer is YES! While everyone has varying degrees of what is shown and what is not, every one of my clients does a nude/ implied nude set.
For most, they will only do this type of experience once in their life — so I say, WHY NOT get nude for some images!? You can reveal it all for a fine art nude portrait approach, or you can opt for an implied nude version. What is “implied nude”? Just like it sounds! Nude, but no bits showing.

I usually do this part of the session last. By then my clients have changed multiple times, and are super comfy walking around naked! If it sounds weird, it is! Or at least that’s what everyone thinks. Then, before you know it, boom – you are chatting about the funny thing your kid did yesterday, all while standing there naked.
And Everyone Has Said It’s Pretty. Damn. Liberating!!!
Q: What motivates you to pursue a boudoir shoot right now?
A: My attitude! I’m in a place where I feel like I can do anything and that I can nail the hell out of it!
Q: On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most confident) how would you rate how you feel about your body? Elaborate.
A: I’m at about a 6. I know there are some things that I can work on, and with stress from home life and work, it’s hard to keep up. But I strive to walk with confidence every day.
Q: What three words would you select to describe the look/ feel of the images you hope to create?
A: sexy, confident, fun