Ok, can I just say I have the most beautiful, fun, lovely clients?!? And would you take a look at that hair!!! Gahhhhhh! Miss R was so much fun and I absolutely loved her outfit choices! You just can’t go wrong with black, lace, and fishnets!!

Q: What motivates you to pursue a boudoir shoot right now?
A: Well, it was something I did before I had my son, and it made me feel good about myself. So after having my son I thought maybe it would help bring back the confidence I had.
Q: On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most confident) how would you rate how you feel about your body? Elaborate.
A: 7. I use to feel pretty great before my son, I was in shape so I felt pretty great. But after having my son and not losing all the weight I lost that confidence. But I’m slowly getting it back.
Q: What three words would you select to describe the look/ feel of the images you hope to create?
A: confident, beauty, and body positivity.